Boxes,boxes,boxes.I don't know if there is a name for it, but I do love boxes. I was told that there was once a lady that lived downtown,Upton, who was known as The Box Lady. I could easily claim that title. I hate to toss out any box that is firmly constructed and sturdy. Hopefully with a lid, but not necessarily so. I can always construct a lid, if necessary. I use a lot of boxes to hold craft supplies and things I use on a regular basis.I work constantly at being more organized, which will never happen, but I love fixing pretty boxes to hold items I am trying to keep together, for easier access next time I need them.Once I decide what each box is to hold, I simply label that box and they stack easily on a shelf for storage. At least, that's my plan. I take great pride in constructing something I can use, rather than running out and buying something to fill the bill. I did go out and buy 4 little baskets to fit on a set of shelving in my bathroom, and I was sick later, thinking about how much I paid, just so they would match.I paid $5. for the shelf,$2.00 for 2 cans of spray paint to paint the shelf,and $4 a piece for the baskets. How Dumb!!!! I guess in the long run, it was worth it. My bathroom is very small and the shelf worked out fine. I'll bet I could have built something just as nice for that much money.It holds extra washcloths, soap,razors,etc.Pop likes everything he uses to be close at hand when he needs it.
I'm not completely over my cold, but am feeling better. I can tell by having the desire to get back to my crafts. I had the grandchildren for 2 half days and 1 night, and that held me up a little.They wanted to make snow cream and go sledding. So we tackled both jobs.Pop pulled the kids around the yard and drive way with the 4-wheeler. They had a blast. We made a corn hole set. I sewed the bean bags while Leah constructed and painted the box. She made it out of cardboard instead of wood. It will work fine for indoors. She painted it red,white, and blue. It looks nice.I figured it would be a good indoor game for them to play in the basement on some of the worse winter days.It is a job, keeping them entertained, but that is why they love coming to the country. It is never boring, at least hardly ever. I'll post this for now and watch a little TV with Pop before he falls to sleep. And possibly crochet something. Enjoy the snow,everyone.
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