Thursday, April 1, 2010

Patiently Waiting for the Purple Martins

I have tried for many years to get Purple Martins to take up residence on our property to no avail. A couple of times in the last few years, a scout or two would drop in, but never stay. A couple dropped in one year, but stayed a few days then left out again.The neighbor has Purple Martins that come to his site every year, and I keep thinking we will win some of his younger birds over to our property, but we haven't yet. Day before yesterday, a pair stopped by and checked out my site. Then today 2 pairs dropped by and checked out my site. I have 8-10 gourds hanging this year. The expensive Martin box bird house that I purchased from the Amish, several years ago, did not entice them in, so I thought I'd try gourds this year. I am very hopeful that they will stay this time. I have built a platform for scrambled eggs and egg shells. I read on the Purple Martin site, that there are many little tricks you can try to entice them onto your property. I set out a container of string, and straw, and pine needles for nest building.I will continue to read up on the hints they provide in hopes of encouraging them to stay. I ordered a cassette tape of the Morning Song of a flock of Purple Martins. I try playing it for a few minutes each day.
I had the Grand son for a couple of days and a night, so most of my usual activity had to be put on hold. I did get my new carpet down in my craft/bedroom, plus I had a set of base cabinets made for the basement. I picked them both up on Tuesday, and with the help of my family, we got them home and put in place. Not totally in place, but they are in the basement.While I was there, I discussed an idea I had, with the cabinet maker, of him building me a face for the set of cabinets I had made myself. He called today. It is ready for pickup. I wanted it to match the base set he had made for me.I may pick up a door to match,for my over-cookstove cabinet I built.I have been kicking around the way I will finish the cabinets down there in the basement. I am very seriously considering a natural and white combination like the small set of table and chairs I am using in the main kitchen. And now,I am considering tile for the floor in the basement kitchenette area. With Pop wheelbarrowing wood in during the winter, it would be much easier to clean up.Things are coming together, but it is a slow process, since I have taken it on myself to fix it up. It's not like a contractor coming in and everything is done in a few days.I will close for now, and try to get a better night's rest. I moved our extra bed to the basement yesterday, and the Grandson refused to sleep down there, so we slept on the floor on a twin mattress, which I keep for an extra bed during sleepovers.It was not a good night for me. I'll bet you can guess who hogged all the bed. Yes, I slept on the floor, for the most part, and then I wonder why my back hurt all day. Till my next post, hope you had a Happy April Fool's Day.

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