Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Last Ride For Old Silver

Old Silver headed for the scrap yard
She's been a good truck. Pop purchased her in 1984,used, for $2100. She was a tough truck that served every purpose needed on Pop's job and our farm useage,too.She's been parted out for five or six years now, so all that remains is a mere shell of her original self,but today even that will be sold for scrap metal.She'll probably end up in Iraq or Afghanistan in the form of weaponry of some kind.We'll miss you.

 Thanks for all your kind words from my blogging friends.You are all such a boost to my spirits whenever I need one.Hope all is well in your world today.

I'm feeling much better over the allergy head and chest cold. That is and was the pits. Any infection in the body makes you feel like crap.At least it does me.Pop and I are both a lot better,in that respect.The news from the doctor yesterday, was not as frightening yet,as it could have been.He told me I had two problems. One was a thickening of the vaginal wall, which requires a D&C to fix it.I've had one of those before, so I had him to go ahead and set that up and get it over with. The other possible problem was the mass on my left ovary. We have no prior test to gauge it by,so he wants to wait and check it again in two months. If there is no change at that time,we will check it again in four to six months. If still no change we may just leave it be.It could have possibly been there for quite a while with no problem and may continue to be no problem.We'll just keep a close check on it.Sounds good to me. I'm a firm believer in the philosophy,"If it ain't broke,don't fix it."

Today we took our paperwork to our Tax Lady.We do the short form, so she can get it done quickly.We do have an extra three days this year.Not sure of the reason, but President Obama had it extended for an additional three days.Nevertheless,we took our papers in, and of course, that gave us an excuse to eat Breakfast out. Any business that involves going to town,is cause to eat breakfast out. And we have the nerve to complain about those two precious little Grandchildren of ours being so spoiled. Go figure!

After breakfast and the trip to the tax place, we stopped at Pamida and bought ourselves a couple of pairs of pants(we can both wear both pairs,since we wear the same size)we bought a few garden supplies, and more of the Ensure type drink(a different brand,but it was marked way down low)and a gallon of milk(our main reason for stopping),then we took a leisurely ride through the country.It was really nice not to be headed anywhere specific,no set time to be there,no one to worry about back at home waiting on us.Just a nice relaxing drive.(He took me past my old stopping grounds so I could relive all those wonderful years and think of all I was missing by not still being there(and of course,that was a really good joke)The fields are so pretty and green.We both love this time of year, and Kentucky has the most beautiful rolling hills.Many of the fields are cleared and ready for new crops to be planted,so the hills of green, seem to roll on forever. I only wish I had taken my camera today. Maybe I can persuade him to take me out again soon to get some pictures to show everyone. We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful state, although we do tend to take it all for granted much of the time. We'll rush off to other states to see the Fall leaves turning all their magnificiant colors,when we have such beauty all around us here at home,if we would just take the time to see it.


  1. Hopefully all will continue to go well for you healthwise. I do agree with you that we live in a beautiful state :)

  2. I'm glad the news is fairly good, Sue. Keep a close eye on your health. We want you to be healthy! :)

  3. I agree Sue, Ky is quite beautiful.
    My Dad & Mom are buried there in a family cemetary.
    Glad the doctor news wasn't too bad.

  4. Sounds like you had a good day. News from the Doctor wasn't to bad, I had a D&c for the same thing several years ago. Take care and do what ever your Dr. say!!!

  5. Sue-you be careful, those tubs are heavy.
    I was at a beauty shop where they had potted plants in theirs and there's someone in town who has one in their front yard with flowers growing in it!
    Post some pics when you get it done.

  6. The news from your Dr. sounded pretty good.Continuing to pray that all will turn out well.
