As I was filling an old aquarium with some of the rich soil which
Hershell keeps replenished in a pile near my gardens, I heard an unusual
sound coming across the hay field. It was a cry of fear and/or distress
coming from our new hunting dog, Ruger. Being just a pup, I guess he
didn't know quite yet, that he was suppose to be the pursuer and not the
pursuee. A doe was chasing him toward the house, and came very near to
where I was working. She didn't appear to be going anywhere soon, so I
had plenty of time to get in the house and retrieve my iPhone. Thank
goodness, she was still close by, grazing happily, not too concerned
about my presence, but Ruger's barking sent her a running back into the
woods. I'd say she has a baby or two, close by. Such a refreshing sight
to see on this cool and misty morning. I am not sure on the date of this post, but decided to go ahead and let it go. Ruger is now full grown, going on 2 years old, and still enjoying his tag games with the mother deer and her babies.
In the center, if you look closely, you can see the mother deer. |
Ruger is only 5 months old |