Saturday, January 14, 2012

My First Rose

my first rose

My sister,Rita and I,and a couple of her daughters and one of her grandsons, visited with Mom and Vicki today.Vicki will be staying with Mom for a few weeks, and hopefully longer.Especially during the time her back heals from her recent surgery. We all felt it would be good for both, if she came during this time. Her back can heal, and she could be close to keep an eye on Mom during the cold winter months. Mom will be 86 on the 30th of January.

While we were visiting,Vicki took a few minutes to show me how she was making these roses for her daughter's booth in Canton,North Carolina.Her younger daughter is very crafty herself, and has recently rented a booth along with a friend of hers, to see how her craft ideas will sell.If all goes well, she may consider opening up a shop of her own one day.Vicki says if anyone can make a go of it, it will be Beverly.We wish her lots of luck.She and Vicki spend a lot of time communicating on the phone and computer, discussing plans and exchanging ideas.Hopefully, we will be able to follow her progress in the up coming weeks.

Above is a picture of my first rose. I tried my hand at it, as soon as I returned home today.I,personally,think it turned out pretty good for my first try.I was pleased with it,anyway.Vicki will be making them a bit larger, and in a variety of colors.They should be a big hit for their booth.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job on your first rose. Crochet is a great craft isn't it.
