Sunday, May 20, 2012

When the Cat's Away.....

the mice will play.

When Pop's away, I tend to get involved in a project I have wanted to get done, but just couldn't get to. I do have a lot of my Mother's genes, and she has built and/or moved entire walls in the various houses where they have lived, but I don't go to that extreme.This project was a simple one that involved only wallpaper. I wonder if he'll even notice that it looks any different. Probably not.
It wasn't a major task, but the counter tops look so drab, I thought it might perk them up a bit. The color of the counter tops was not the color of my choosing, but we got our cabinet through Pop's ex-boss from the cabinet factory where he worked for twenty years, and of course, he got us a real deal, so when his wife got the colors confused for the counter tops,what could we say. They offered to make it right, but that would have cost them $500. out of their pocket, so we decided to live with it.

Now, I have gottem myself in the mood to paint. Hmmm!What color shall I paint the rest of the Big Room? I'll need to study on that a bit.


  1. Well, Pop has returned home, and within five minutes, his cousin, Larry, asked if I had changed the wallpaper or something. Pop would have never noticed, if Larry hadn't mentioned it.After 34 years,I know Pop pretty good.

  2. Looks beautiful Sue. Love your canisters too.
    I spy some doilies, they are pretty big here.
    I'm still trying to teach myself to crochet....
    Need a real person to help me, are you going to be in TX. anytime soon?

    Hope this comment goes through, the other one got lost in net land.

  3. Thanks!Not anyway soon anyway, but it's not plum out of the question. I will definitely look you up, when and if I do. My family on my Mother's side is all in South La.
