Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wives can be so thoughtful and creative.

While reading over Ms. Lottie's blog,it brought back memories of a couple of creative birthday's I had for Pop.
That was years ago, and before I got into blogging and picture taking, so I have no pictures of either. Once I had a huge pig roast. We had people and food galore.We started roasting the pig around 5 o'clock one evening.Pop's friends for the neighborhood and his job, began coming in about that time. Of course we would have to cook the pig all night, so that group of friends stayed through the cooking process.They was nothing ready to eat at that time, so you can imagine what they were doing while visiting,and I don't mean playing horse shoes. By the time morning came, a few of us were still awake,sitting with and attending to the pig,while the rest of the group were asleep(some were simply passed out) on any and everything that resembled a bed.As daylight unfolded, that portion of the party goers began to awaken and head for their perspective homes. The meal preparations for later in the day, were beginning anyway.Later in the day, others(the non drinking folks) would start coming in for the meal. We had a Bluegrass band lined up to play, since Pop loves Bluegrass music. We had met many musicians,in time who were willing to play(and eat) for our little party.We did have a little container for donations for the band,but they were all close friends, so they didn't mind playing for their food.My memory of much of the festivities has faded over the years, but we would love to tackle another Pig Roast in the near future, before we get to old to pull it off.

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