This is the reason I love boxes. I had a very productive day working with them today. I have yet to get my work room built, but I keep in my mind, just how I want it to be as time goes by. You know the quotes,If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. And the one,Act as though you already are what you'd like to be, and it soon will become reality.I want to be a super organized crafter.I have covered a few boxes and labeled them with their contents. Hopefully when I get my room, I will have at least two walls of pretty white shelves, and I will stack my boxes on my shelves in an orderly fashion with all their labels neatly printed for easy access.I will have a nice wide work table for my sewing machine(white, of course)I will have lots of shelves for my nicely folded and organized stacks of material. My sister,Vicki, sorted my material when she was in for Christmas.She has been quilting for years, so she knows what's important in the layout of one's quilting supplies.I have devised a rack for my thread, but I think I will end up rethinking that.It didn't turn out to be as handy as I had planned. My neighbor,Connie, has a nice thread rack on her wall near her machine. I liked that, but you know me. I was trying to be frugal and use something I already had.I may come up with a better plan shortly.
As I stated earlier, I had a very productive day. I must be getting over my "cold". I cooked a pot of pinto beans today and a skillet of cornbread for supper. I even made a batch of chocolate fudge.I painted a while in the basement. I washed a load of clothes or two.And I didn't even need my usual nap. I must be getting better. Hopefully, I will get back to blogging on a more regular basis now.My granddaughter fusses because I post the simplest things on my blog.I always ask her,"Can you do it?" When she says,"No".Then I tell her,"I rest my case.There is always someone out there that doesn't have the insight to make something pretty and usable out of what others would throw away." That is my goal. To show folks how to use up what they have, instead of running out and wasting their hard earned money on something new, when they can make something that works just as well, with what they have at home.
Well, it's another day, and another blog.Till my next post,Happy Blogging.
Good Morning! Your boxes are really pretty, so glad you are doing better, I think it is real neat, how you want to make you own stuff to save money, such a good ideal. I buy the clear container for my quilt supplys it hold my fabric and my book or patterm so when i'm ready to work on them i just see thru them and know the one I won't to work on. I wish I had show you what Kathryn the lady fron the quilt shop, made me, it is made with fabric and it hold a little pressing board and quilt pencils and just lot of different compartment. This would be something I think you would make with some of you fabric. An ideal for a thread holder is a shelves with little hole for dow rod cut to fit and you could make it as big or as small as you want it be. well catch you later, HAPPY CRAFTING! Connie
ReplyDeleteHey Sue Thanks for you comment. It was my good machine that needed the repairs, My little machine does ok but I like the computer machine best . Jennifer has my first sewing machine and this little one is my second machine. There is a man in hodgeville does repairs and he is real reasonable. But I took my computer machine to the place where i got it at in louisville for repairs. I have let the girls use my machine and Taylor has use it quiet abit.But I will let them use the little machine for their quilt that we are going to work on. Kids does enjoy doing stuff like this ,but who no if they will stay with it. Until next time . HAPPY CRAFTING!