Here are three samples of the little note cards I have been playing with since I found this new program I've spoke about. There are so many ways they could be used.I can use the actual card,or master copy, or I can print out copies on the computer.Either way, I am having loads of
fun coming up with new arrangements and wording for more and more cards. I only wish I could get my family here to work with me on putting together many more new samples.(Hint!Hint! Rita,Tina,Cindy,and Kendra)Other family members are welcome to come and help, but these girls have already told me they want to participate.Who knows, maybe we'll get together this Spring or Summer and have lots of Munchies.That sounds like a great plan.If we have munchies, my grand daughter will definitely want to come. She loves a shindig with munchies, and she is getting into crafts,now,too 

Sue, these are very very cute, you are really good with the computer, think maybe i need to take some lesson on this thing. I guess you are tired after working out today, but it is that time of the year to get stuff ready for the yard and garden.Thanks for your comment today, have a good night, with the rain it will make a good like to sleep!