Monday, September 10, 2012

Grandparent Day At Leah's School

Not the greatest shot of us, but Beggars Can't Be Choosers. Well,maybe we didn't need to beg, but I did have to ask one of the other parents to take a picture of us across the table.I would loved to have had to her take a few shots so I could have chosen the best one, but I am thankful she was willing to take the one for my blog,of course.We came a few minutes early to visit with some of the folks we knew. Like every other place we visit,we both know so many folks.Then I brought gifts for all of the cafeteria staff, and a couple of other helpers.They seemed pleased to get the crocheted dish washing cloths. I only wish I had had enough insight to have crocheted more in purple.That is one of their school colors.I had a few, but they would have most likely taken more, had I had them.

The meal was nice,although Pop would not agree. No extra salt allowed. He thinks if the food not swimming in salt and bacon rinds, it isn't good.And the green beans were not cooked down low enough to suit him.I,personally, think he might be a bit spoiled.I felt that everything that I took was good.I had Barbecue on a bun/green beans/watermelon/chocolate chip cookie/sweet tea(which the kids are not allowed,of course).They had mashed potatoes and salad, but I passed on them.Pop chose fried chicken for his meat.They had many choices on fruits. Leah took Kiwi.The purpose of the day was to spend time with the grandchild,not to eat an extravagant meal. So, I feel the day turned out just fine.Leah seemed pleased that we came.Maybe John's school will have a Grandparent's Day,so we can visit with him.

Now it's back home to mow the grass before I must leave again to spend another day and night with Mom.This Alzheimer's that Mom has is wreaking havoc with my schedule at home.It's a struggle,trying to  juggle my responsibilities at both homes.I am not alone with these struggles. Two of my sisters and I are rotating about,doing the best we can to keep Mom and our own families content. It is a real struggle at times,but by taking it one day at a time,with lots of prayers from everyone,we will get through it.

1 comment:

  1. i think its a really nice photo sue. Im wondering, since we dont have school dinners in it normal to have food on a tray like that? (probably sounds silly to you :) )
    and leah.....its a kiwifruit like a grapefruit isnt a grape lol. a kiwi is a bird.
    I was with my alzheimers lady friday and the neighbour came over to see about the tv that she had trouble with the night before, he spent about 15mins telling her how to press the on/off on the remote. what he wasnt getting was the more he explained the less she understood, when he left she was no more confident than before, so you have to just walk away sometimes because trying to do the impossible is just fueling the fire. my lady had a different cook for a few days last week, when i asked her about it she said she thought she had cooked her own tea but wasnt sure. so no matter how hard you and the sisters work, mum probably doesnt know
