I am excited about my cupboard. I hope it works out like I plan. I've said it before,the way I see things in my mind and the end product don't always match, but it should be close.Pop keeps asking me where I plan to put this monstrosity I'm building.I think he is worried I will put it upstairs in the main part of the house. He has no appreciation of old timey things intermingled with our nicer oak furniture.Sometimes I can slip one of my ideas into the mix, and he never notices, but this being so big, it is doubtful that would ever happen. The basement living room is a fine place for it, or maybe even the kitchenette down there. I'll have to try it in different places to see where I like it best.The basement is gradually looking livable like the rest of the house. I can't wait to put down some kind of floor cover over the concrete floor. I'll probably go with old style tile. I'm still studying about that.And maybe an area rug under the table.The choices are endless, but I'm thinking and planning and fixing up as I go.I figure the more of the basement area I fix up to be nice like the rest of the house, the less space there will be to junk up like most basements. We'll just have to find somewhere else to let 'occasional use stuff' collect.
Not a lot to blog about today, so until my next post, Happy Blogging.