No, I'm not putting a puzzle together. That is Mom that's working on the puzzle. I am talking about my basement project.Pop and our friend, Howie, put a couple of my cabinet fronts up today. When I can get help, I take advantage of it. I guess that's why Pop stays gone so much. He's afraid I'll put him to work.It took a little effort to get them matched up to MY cabinet building, but it wasn't so bad. I am proud of MY cabinets.I didn't start out building cabinets. It just evolved to that.I started out with an open face shelf over the stove and 3 shelves over the freezers. The more I worked with them, the more I thought the shelves would look good as cabinets. I am so glad it worked out.I stained and varnished the cabinet fronts as soon as the last screw was in.I'll do some minor tweeking to them as I go along, but I am so proud of them so far. This weekend, if all goes well, Pop says he will work on getting the set of cabinets up, that goes over my new counter that I had made at E & H Cabinets of Caneyville.They will go to the right of my canning jar shelves(another area that will get a facelift later), but one step at a time. I'm in no rush on this project, although I am getting real anxious to see how it all will look when it's finished.
It always feels good to get extra things done around the house !