I spent the day doing a lot of little odd jobs around the property. I started a temporary fence for the goats. I am letting some of the back yard grow up a little for them to graze. We have too much property to fence it in completely, since we are not making a living farming. We keep the extra four acres mainly to keep folks from building more houses right in our front door.It would be my dream to do something with the property, but Pop chooses not to. We just keep it mowed and let the kids play on it with their four wheelers.I did mention to him that I would like to plant fruit trees on it. He kinda thought that would be OK, but I'll bet he was thinking to himself that I would never get to it anyway.We'll see what happens with that.
I spent a big part of the day potting up the flowers I got from Martha's Greenhouse.That reminds me, I need to paint her another sign. I painted one for her yard a couple of years ago, and I saw it had deteriorated away.
The grandson was with me the day I got the flowers and tomatoes, so I let him choose the flowers. I think he goes by color. I usually choose things I know will withstand the heat and dry weather.We'll see what happens. I got begonias, petunias, scarlet sage, portulaca,vinca,impatiens. I don't think I missed any. I tried planting them in boxes and hanging baskets this time. I potted several kinds in each pot and added a few marigold seeds to each pot "just in case".
I put up another Martin birdhouse. Six holes.They are still dropping by, checking things out, but none have offered to move in and stay.It is beyond me why they won't stay. I keep hoping.So goes another day. Till my next post. Stay tuned.
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