As you can see, I have been working with Paint.I love playing with it.I have got involved a little with digital scrap booking, just so I could cutesy up my blog on occasion, but as of yet, I have not learned how to use it. I keep experimenting with various things trying to do a better job of displaying my posts, without disrupting things too bad, but haven't stumbled across the right technique yet.I'm not giving up though, so don't be shocked if you find me doing a little experimenting in my upcoming posts.I am hoping to get myself into the yard sale mood today. A couple of my sisters are setting up a huge lane long sale, and have invited me to participate. I love going to them, but setting up my own is drudgery to me. So until my next post, have a good day!
Your doing pretty good with this , I like it.... hope your yard sales does good and it will be fun just being with the family. UNTIL LATER! connie