No, we're not building on to the house. We simply have added 5 new baby chicks to our menagerie of animals. They are mostly to expose the grandchildren to "Life on the farm".They have had brief experiences with baby chicks, but things happen on occasion that require getting new ones. IF they make it to adulthood and they are not all ROOSTERS, we will have a continuous flow of eggs. We have 8 full grown hens now, and usually get 5-6 eggs a day most of the year round. Some of the hens are getting older, so, hopefully,we'll have these to replace them someday.Right now they are in a coup in Pop's garage eating cornbread and water.We have a small light hanging over them to keep them warm during the cool nights.Our housedog,Sarah, has already got in trouble bad, over the chicks. She thinks they are varmints that need eradicating.So you can imagine the time we are having with her wanting to get at them.She sits and moans and groans and whines and trembles wanting to get at them really bad.She is an excellent mouser, so we hate to scold her.I guess we'll get through it.Until my next post. Happy Spring!
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