No, that is not my French Word for the Day, although it could be added to my list. (At least,I'm pretty sure it's a French word.)It is a word I am using today directed toward Julie of Newcastle,Australia.I have been reading more and more of her posts here lately, and am convinced that she and I think a lot alike. She seems to be, or if she wasn't at first, she is now, well educated in Getting Back to the Simple 'Unrefined' Way of Life.She does a lot of research(one of my first loves)on whatever she chooses to use and improve in her life, and shares it with those of us who wish to read her blog.I don't know her profession, other than being a Mother to three lovely children, and a wife, but she could be a professor from all the knowledge she uses in her posts.Here is the link to her post"About Me"that tells of her life and her mission with her blog. I follow her blog on a regular basis, and try to incorporate some of her knowledge and ideas into my way of living. She is an amazing lady.Drop by and check out her life and endeavors in Newcastle,Australia.
Looks like a sweet lady,and its always nice to meet new people !