This is the link to the post where I wrote about our dog "Dixie". Well, today is a sad day here at the Nugent household.I won't be able to come back tomorrow and say that we have changed our minds and decided to keep her a little longer, as I did with the goats, when we intended to sell them to the neighbor, but went and retrieved them the following day. Our trusted friend has left us.We have never really figured out her age, but a close guess is 20-24, and we are pretty sure it's closer to 24. Maybe someday we will figure it a little closer, but nevertheless, she has been the most wonderful pet for ever how long it was. She use to be our house dog.She was an excellent house dog. She was so meticulous with her grooming. Many a night we would awake to see her lying on the sofa, grooming her fur from one end to the other. She never cared for water, but when we would go to the lake on our pontoon, she would be frightened when getting on it and getting off,(we would have to pick her up and put her on and off) but she loved riding it way up in the front with the wind and the mist from the lake hitting her, ever so gently, in the face.She was our guard dog and she was exceptional at her job. She would lie in the yard or on the porch and watch our five acres from one end to the other. If so much as a crow would light, she was after it.We have another dog, that Dixie trained, I suppose, just by her watching, to do the same thing. As Dixie grew older, she became jealous of the new dog to a point. I guess it's like anyone who knows the day will come when the job will no longer be yours, but the new trainee, and that is a hard pill to swallow sometimes. She has trained Bear well though, and I am sure Bear will do just as good a job as Dixie has done for all these years.I'm sure I could write pages of stories of moments we've had with Dixie, but tonight, we'll just hope to find comfort in remembering every one of them.Farewell, our Faithful Friend.You have been an excellent friend and companion, for our entire family and to many friends and neighbors who loved you as we did.
I'm so sorry to hear about Dixie...a very good dog...I remember giving her treats when I was there...she will be missed! xoxo Vicki