My sister, Mary(of Nails in My Pocket)brought my newest sister-in-law,Kim, by for a trim yesterday,since I do most of the hair cutting in our family. While they were here,we gathered the most of my remaining apples.We shook the tree, and took down the remainder of what grew this year(which was very few). I had harvested a couple of gallon bags for myself,for fried apples, but didn't need too many, since I had several left from last year.I hope Kim has good luck with hers. I cooked a skillet of them today for Pop. He has sugar problems, so he has to limit this kind of thing,but he loves them so with a fresh slice of hot cornbread. Guess what we had for our noon snack today.
We had visited the Amish Produce Auction again on Wednesday,after my family left, and we picked up a peck of slightly turning yellow tomatoes in hopes that they would taste better when fried.The Mountain Spring had no taste when fried, and we didn't care for them when they ripened either. They were too firm and tasteless.We stopped by an Amish home, on our way home,who had a sign hanging out that said "Tomatoes".We had hoped they had some regular tomatoes,but they didn't.Only Mountain Spring and Mountain Fresh.We talked to the Amish lady about the type of tomatoes they were all growing nowadays, and she said they grow that kind because they ship better.That is good and well,for that purpose, but we feel they never ripen into a good mellow tomato with flavor.I lucked up on a peck of nice tender young okra while at the auction,too. I love okra.It made 2 gallon bags.Mary and I plan to go back to the Auction again Friday, in hopes of finding more okra. She loves it, too.I hope they have at least two pecks. I could use some more myself.
hi sue, where is the amish auction at, I never her of this before. the apple looks really good, and I love them with hot biscuit. Have a good day.