Cole Slaw Can Save Your Life (Really)
Nowadays, coleslaw has migrated from the Eastern bloc to take its place on the American picnic table alongside hot dogs and apple pie. Del is ubiquitously serve the stuff in a little ramekin with sandwiches. We rarely give the cabbage concoction a second thought to its origins or nutritional benefits—but we should.
Cabbage has a long, hearty, and healthy history. For centuries, Russian peasants sustained themselves through some of the most bitter-cold winters on the planet by eating this leafy vegetable and not much else. That says something about the nutritional value, da? Cabbage (especially the red variety) is a surprisingly excellent source of vitamin C, which some experts believe may reduce the risk of getting diabetes. And because it’s a cruciferous vegetable like its cousins, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, it contains potent anti-cancer properties. One study found that women who ate the most cabbage had a 45 percent lower breast cancer risk than women who ate the least! Red cabbage offers another bonus: It’s rich in natural pigments that may help boost insulin production and lower blood-sug ar levels.
With all that nutritional value, you’d think there’d be a catch. There’s not. To boot, cabbage is very low in calories (only 16 calories per one-half cup cooked!) and is a good source of fiber at 1.7 grams per one-half cup. Together, these two attributes spell weight loss, which almost always benefits blood sugar. Add to that the fact that cabbage is way low on the glycemic index scale, and you’ve got true magic for a blood-sugar food. Those Russian peasants were living on a rich diet after all! The one caveat with coleslaw is the potential for glopping on too much mayonnaise. Small, mayonnaise-laden portions, like those served with the deli’s pastrami, are okay. Just halve that sandwich to keep your calories in check. Healthier coleslaw is made with a vinegar base, which helps lower the glycemic value of your whole meal. Try making no-mayonnaise coleslaw—the combination of the fiber and vinegar to lower your glycemic load, and the minimal calor ies of the cabbage means your portion size can be the sky’s limit.
Another serving suggestion: Sauté cabbage and onions, or braise red cabbage with chopped apples, along with red wine for two amazingly tasty and low-cal side dishes. Add sliced cabbage to soups and stews, and try thinly shredded cabbage for a delightfully crunchy bite anywhere you’d use shredded lettuce, like on burgers or tacos.

(This article was taken from the Readers Digest Diabetes Newsletter.)
I'm headed to fix a bowl of Cole Slaw.See Ya!
Hey Sue- I make a slaw type thing with ramen noodles. The recipe calls for olive oil and vinegar instead of mayo.