During my entire grown up life, my love for flowers has always got me through the rough patches. I would spend hours in the yard.Working in the beds,planting new flowers, rearranging old ones. Pruning,weeding,spraying.There is always something to do in a garden of any type. I had a play garden for years, and loved every minute I spent in it,but I soon decided it had become more trouble than it was worth, and let it go back to yard after about 20 years.Now it is time to let go of a few other things. My body is in reasonably good shape,for my age,although not as good as Jane Fonda's at 73, but there are things I choose not to do any longer,for various reasons. I will still need to mow the yard, and I have riding mowers for that, but even that tends to jar things up a bit, and cause me pain for days. I'll need to work on a solution for that problem.I have told one of my brothers, that he was welcome to come and get any of the flowers he wants. He has worked with landscaping for many years, and could probably use them in some way.That will free my time up quite a bit, not having so many beds to care for.I'm sure that will be hard for me, but there comes a time, to do what you must,even if it means giving up things you have loved and enjoyed for most of your life.I hope to make the transition to full time crafting.Only time will tell,as to whether I am strong enough to follow through with this plan. Wish me luck.

I gave up my last goat this week. I had already sold her two babies to a friend who takes real good care of his flock of 25 or 30 other goats, so it was not a hard decision to let her go and be with them. I didn't get the money they were worth out of them, since it was to a friend we sold them,but knowing they were being handled good and will have lots of company,made it a lot easier to let them go. Plus,we can visit them whenever we want to.We have already made two trips over there to see the two babies which we sold first. That helps us all to make the transition.We had the mother for at least three years, and the babies were born two years ago, April 1st,2008. We had raised their daddy from a few months of age, and parted with him after he had bred the mother. That was very hard,also, since we had raised him from a little ball of black fur. Most folks who raise goats or cattle, swap males on a regular basis, but he was getting a little rough with us,as males do sometimes. I think it was just his way of playing, but one can still get hurt, at any age, by them,even in play.Well, now that the goats are gone, my time is freed me up somewhat.Pop cares for the chickens,for the most part.I am still letting Ellie Mae in the house each morning,for her diced up bologna.She is the chicken we raised in a cookie jar, along side the two cats and 1 dog we have in the house.As she got bigger,we moved her out to one of the garages.We need to work on that,too. She's really messing things up out there, but we are afraid to put her in with the main flock,for fear they will harm her.We'll come up with a new plan,hopefully,before winter gets too bad.Wish me luck.