Monday, December 6, 2010

My Niece,Michelle's Response to My Post

Thank you!! Although you made me cry.... I know I didn't become the nurse that mom and dad hoped that I'd be, but I lost my passion for that when Daddy died... Now, I think I found my spot!! I did that for me! Without the help of Mom and the boys, I would have never made it. Its been rough, there have been many days when I just wanted to quit, days when I've been so worn out that I would have to call mom and talk to her on the way home from school just to stay awake....Days that Mom would just cover me up and let me sleep with my head down on my book, and days when I couldn't get to class fast enough to get a question answered. Although mom and I have had our ups and downs, she's always been there to help me, with reading papers that she didn't understand, to helping with the house work and the yard, to watching the kids days at a time, but she's my rock... and I don't know what I would do without her. (She's also been there to kick my butt and tell me not to quit now, your to close) I think that God has had a hand in this too....he has given us all the strength to endure, the patients to wait for better days, and most of all to build a better relationship between me and mom.... It was rough growing up, we always butted heads, I was Daddy's girl, and when things got rough, I depended on Daddy, and when Daddy left us, I didn't know how to go to Mom, it had always been a fight.... Now that I'm older, and we have developed a friendship that I never knew growing up.... God has reason's for everything..... we just have to be patient and he will show us..... I thank him everyday for my family...without them I would have never made it!!!

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