As I sit here this morning,blogging,I noticed my stomach is growling a bit. I was always very lean in my early years.My entire family used to constantly comment on how skinny I was,but once I left home, for whatever reason, that all seemed to change.I gained 15 pounds the first three months I was married at eighteen years of age. All through High School, I weighed a constant 145 pounds at 5 foot 9 inches tall.When the scales started to climb, they never seemed to stop.Here I am 45 years later. My weight has gradually climbed to 225,at my last check up, and dieting is no longer an option.My body has been through so many diets through the years, it refuses to relinquish a single pound by that method any more. Well, I think I have found some new techniques to try to persuade it to work with me.I hardly ever drink water.I don't know why, but water has never appealed to me. I do love tea, so I have been keeping a jug of tea made up at all times. I have read that many times when you think you're hungry, you are really thirsty. That seems to help. I know all the hype about artificial sweeteners, but that is what I have been using,unless I go out for a meal,then I get sweet tea.Our local restaurant has great sweet tea.Some do not. The tea drinking seems to help,but I think the main thing that has been helping me loose a few pounds here lately, is the fact that I am keeping busy,doing things I enjoy.That seems to be the key for me. I hope this trend continues for awhile, but I'm not holding my breath.I have picked up a can of mixed nuts to keep around to munch on. One of Dr. Oz's tricks.They are protein, and they have just enough fat to keep your appetite in check.With the holiday season, we have lots of fruit sitting around on every table. That is a great snack. No fat,but lots of fiber. Adequate fiber is another key to loosing.With the flu and cold season at hand, I have decided to drink a lot of onion and chicken soup.Both are known to boost ones immunity, and they're a big help in keeping your weight down,too.
This is just a thought I had this morning about a topic for my blog.Any other helpful tips, that don't involve running to town to buy a bunch of stuff, are welcomed.I'm trying to stay away from the big town as much as possible these days.
I know what you are talking about, here i am eating bananas bread with vanilla pudding on it, YUM! but i need to watch what i eat also, i have gain some unwanted pound. When i got marry i weight at a 100 lbs, at 5f 7 inch tall that was skinny! Oh well guess them days are gone and i need to kept my weight down for my health. Thanks for your comment, it is also good to have you all has neighbor, and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. love Connie
ReplyDeleteThanks again,Connie. I think you look fine the way you are, but you know doctors. They think we should be all bones in order to be healthy.
ReplyDeleteI suppose just trying to eat healthy and keep portions in moderation -- plus walking helps too. It's a difficult time of year to be good, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteDon't get me going on dieting. Ugh. I tried sticking to healthy choice for all of my meals and felt like I was starving all day.
ReplyDeleteI find I think less about eating, when I am doing things I enjoy the most,and even then,I only think about food when my stomach growls.