Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our Top 5 Cookout Recipes

This link was taken from

These are five recipes used here in the US. Some of the food items used in other countries are very strange to me, and I was wondering if it might be the same for those in other countries, when looking over some of our recipes.It got me to thinking.Do folks in other countries use or or do they have a site like these of their own?

Just Wondering!


  1. Great link, Sue and a valid question. :)

  2. i can answer for me, being in a strange country lol. ive looked through and will search an ingredient for inspiring recipes. Most of NZ cooking is very british. I have lots of cookbooks too, some NZ some Australian, and then lots of the celebrity chefs mostly british...jamie oliver, gordon ramsay,etc. since we have a lot of american tv shows we get exposed to the american diet somewhat but alot of the time i would have to look up meanings on the internet. your measurements are different to ours too, we use metric but also your cup size and tablespoon etc are a different value to ours.
