Sunday, February 5, 2012

25 Cent Cup Rack

I found this upper portion of a cup rack,Heavens only knows, when or where.I doubt I would have given more than a quarter for it.But I felt that I could make a useful piece of it.Pop is forever having coffee drinkers in, and there are always lots of cups needed in his 'Pouting Room' where they congregate.I felt this appeared simple,yet rugged enough for that purpose.All I had to do was come up with a base. I glued two small pieces of wood together.Let them dry over night. Then I drew a template for an octagon shaped base.I trimmed the base to that shape with the chop saw. I drilled the hole for the upright portion of the rack.Let the glue set up good.Then I topped it off with a coat of my old stand by, 'Barn Red' paint.

The finished Project!

            Not too shabby for a 25 cent cup rack and the cups are handy and out of the way until needed.Now I will keep my eyes open for a cute something to place on the tip top of the rack for added appeal.

1 comment:

  1. WoW! That's a really nice job. I like the red barn paint too.
