No, it's not the chickens today, I was speaking more of myself. The rain has forced me into the house for a short while.I finished the little quilt I was working on. It will have a home shortly. A new friend has asked to buy it for her grand baby. I agreed, although it did pain me to part with it. I don't usually sell my quilts. I make them mostly for a specific family member, usually the children. Nieces, nephews, great nieces or great nephews, or now grandchildren and other step-family members.There is a demand for a little quilt almost all the time. I even made one for my ex-husband's only child, a daughter. She is having her first child.A boy. His name will be Carter. Her father and I never had any children, but when his daughter was born, I wanted to see her. I felt that she would look as close to a child we might have had, if things had worked out for us.Nevertheless, I met the daughter a few times when she was growing up since I worked with the school and schools do things with other schools.So we were bound to meet one day, which we did. I have kept in touch with some of the family over the last 30 some years, including the daughter. We communicate briefly on Facebook on occasion. I made the blanket and mailed it to her. She said she really liked it and knew that Carter would,too.Maybe, one day I will meet him,too.
But today, (back to my topic) I finished the little quilt, and worked a bit on my new sister-in-law's rag rug for her kitchen.She brought me a clothes basket full of sheets and pillowcases that she no longer needed, and only asked that I make her a purple mixed rug from some of the linens. I could use the rest for whatever.
I needed a break from the projects I was working on, so I took out some of my remnants of fabric and decided to make something less stressful. I decided on a pincushion. The colors didn't show up too good, but the background fabric is black felt. The edging is green, and the rose in the center is red with a green leaf or two. I was really pleased with it. I found some old cording to use for the stuffing. It was nice and soft so the pins will slide in and out easily,a problem I have had in the past when using inappropriate stuffing.I hate to waste anything, so I think I had used some scraps of fabric that were too small for anything else, but the needle did not slide in and out too good, so I am more careful now.
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