and I love hitting yard sales, when
the weather is fitting, but with
Mom's age, we now have to do a
lot less of it, and when you are addicted, it's rough. So now when
it's cool or Mom doesn't feel like walking that much, we go to consignment shops and get our yard sale fix. It's just as satisfying, to me anyway. She never buys much.
Since she is 83, she says there's no use cluttering up more for us to
worry with when she's gone, but I think it's more because she is on a
very fixed income, and her better
judgement holds her back. I don't
have that much restraint. Most of
what I buy nowadays, is for the
pattern. Ilike to try lots of different things. The valance was just cute. I have not decided if I will keep it as a valance or make something else out of it. I'll need to study about that. The casserole carrier was so pretty, it was irresistible, also. It seems to be a fairly simple pattern, and it would make a nice gift for any occasion.
The little crocheted dress was darling. I think it is a hot pad, but possibly I could feel my way with the pattern and make something close. I crochet by eye.I'm not much for reading
Hi sue, I have a crochet dress like that, I have got all kind of pattern for stuff like that, I love the annie attic pattern they are so easy to read, I like to crochet the pineapple pattern design doily, when we had the ice storm that what I crochet, I couldn't sew and this past the time.