Today is a rainy old day here in the Bluegrass State. I think it has rained all night, but that doesn't stop a deer hunter. I cooked Pop a giant sausage sandwich and a thermos of coffee and sent him on his way before daylight. (His cousins are connoisseurs of fine sausage, and they found some they really liked made by Boone's, a local well known sausage maker in this area, so that is what I fixed for his breakfast this morning.)This family of cousins and Pop are very close. They work and 'play' together a lot.Of all his family, he is closest to this bunch of cousins and two others further south.They help each other in any way they can. We really don't need the deer meat, but Pop is still hoping, as all hunters do, to get the Big One.We never waste any deer meat,even though we don't keep that much for ourselves. If there isn't anyone in the family that wants it, we have Amish friends that will take any we have to offer. With their huge families to feed, I can see why. The families of Amish that we are closest with in our community, have 15 children. Most Amish do have large families.
Most hunters nowadays, build deer stands in their favorite hunting area. That puts them up higher off the ground in most cases. So,hopefully, the danger of getting shot by another hunter is not as great.There are so many people hunting these days, I am almost afraid for Pop to go. When they all get Deer Fever, the adrenalin kicks in and the danger is greater for someone to get hurt. You hear the horror stories of hunting accidents every day during deer season. Sometimes I think Pop is more interested in spending time with the cousins, then getting a deer.They are all younger than him and most of them look up to him as an Uncle or Father, since he is so much older. When they were all much younger, he would spend time with them doing these types of things.I don't think their fathers were interested that much in these kinds of activities. They cherish those days and relive them often when they are all together.We'll say a little prayer for all the hunters out there today, and wish them a safe return home to their families.(I don't have a picture handy of them in their hunting gear, but hope to add one shortly.)Till my next post,May God Bless You and Keep You Safe!
Most hunters nowadays, build deer stands in their favorite hunting area. That puts them up higher off the ground in most cases. So,hopefully, the danger of getting shot by another hunter is not as great.There are so many people hunting these days, I am almost afraid for Pop to go. When they all get Deer Fever, the adrenalin kicks in and the danger is greater for someone to get hurt. You hear the horror stories of hunting accidents every day during deer season. Sometimes I think Pop is more interested in spending time with the cousins, then getting a deer.They are all younger than him and most of them look up to him as an Uncle or Father, since he is so much older. When they were all much younger, he would spend time with them doing these types of things.I don't think their fathers were interested that much in these kinds of activities. They cherish those days and relive them often when they are all together.We'll say a little prayer for all the hunters out there today, and wish them a safe return home to their families.(I don't have a picture handy of them in their hunting gear, but hope to add one shortly.)Till my next post,May God Bless You and Keep You Safe!
P.S. Sorry, Rusty!I will continue to search for one with you in the picture. I guess you were doing the picture taking here.
Gosh, which one has the 15 kids and where do they live?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there are others, but I was speaking of Henry Miller on the Upton-Sonora Road. Henry and his sons built out house.Some days there would be as many as 6 here working.